The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews
Laura from London, England
I loved the book and TV series as a kid so I was excited about taking mine (aged 5 and 10) to this. It was so disappointing that it lacked any of the magic of the book. The scene where they enter the wardrobe should be magical - I was expecting the stage to be transformed into a beautiful snowy landscape - but it was a total damp squib. There was no attempt to make any of the animal characters like the beavers look like animals, which was a real missed opportunity again to inject some magic. Such a shame - the tickets were very pricey and this just wasn't the Christmas treat I'd hoped for.
Mary Weaver from Gloucestershire
Very low budget - nothing magical about Narnia here. Acting poor - our school productions are easily equal to this. Expensive day out for a disappointing experience. We expect & have seen far better from The West End. By contrast Cinderella was amazing and that was axed too early - this production should be axed immediately & refunds offered. Why not at least use children as one would expect rather than adults (or near adults) behaving as children. Why not use the revolving stage for going through the wardrobe scenes & why have a ridiculous train & carriages carried by actors….. as I say VERY low key & VERY disappointing. I feel sorry for the cast as this doesn’t do them any favours in their careers - the production team needs to have a serious rethink as far as we were concerned. This is the first bad review I’ve ever posted but I felt so incensed, I felt for the sake of future theatre goers, they should at least have chance to consider some of the above points before booking. Sorry
Robert Highgrove from London, England
I agree with the comments about this boring poorly staged unimaginative production, grossly inferior to Cinderella. If that were the only problem I probably wouldn't have left at half time. But worse than the poor production was the worst audience I have ever had to endure. Millennial mothers on their wretched phones (one was nudged by her daughter to look at the White Witch), fat spoilt brats rustling sweet wrappers through out, endless talking and no response after I told the selfish women behind to shut her child up. I despair.
V from London, England
Awful! Awful! Awful! Started out promising when a soldier walked on and started playing the piano, however once everyone else entered the stage it went downhill. We spent an enormous amount of money on tickets only to be majorly disappointed. Why not use children for the Pevensies, why was Santa in a fat suit covered in tassels? Why were the Witch’s minions in skirts and fishnet tops? By half time we wanted to walk out. The music was far too loud and every song sounded the same. It was an obvious attempt at diversity that actually offended my theatre loving heart. Every possible way of making the show diverse was used and it was utterly embarrassing. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
Mandy from London, England
Worst show I've seen. Lazy, no effort with scenery. Acting boring except the Witch. Annoyed I wasted my time and money
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magical Modern BEAUTIFUL
A magical piece of festive theatre, conscientiously adapted for modern audiences young and old
Check out what Wendy thought of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe when she saw it in London!
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Wendy Fynn
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